How getting involved in the community is rewarding to everyone

As a company we understand the importance of community and philanthropy. Our goal is to give back to the people around us and support companies and organizations of all sizes to make a positive impact in our community.  As an advertising company, we have a unique skill set when it comes to promoting other companies or causes. 83% of billboard viewers consistently look at the advertising message and 70% consciously consume the information. This means that promoting a company or organization via a billboard can improve their results by a noticeable amount.


What we do:

We are always looking for ways to get involved with other community groups to form relationships and promote philanthropy. One cause near and dear to our heart has been Animal Friends. This project started in February 2023 and our goal has been to spotlight as many animals available for adoption as possible. Each month, Animal Friends provides us three animals to display on various billboards throughout the Peters Township and Greensburg areas. Since billboards are one of the most affective forms of marketing, they have been a unique way to help find these pets a home! As another way to spread the word, we post these animals on our various social media platforms!

Regardless of whether it is a business or non-profit, billboards capture the attention needed to make a difference!