We recently had the opportunity to sit down with our Real Estate Manager, Donald Berardino, to gain some valuable insight into the meticulous process of selecting prime locations for TM billboards. Donald shared his expertise and experience, revealing the strategies and criteria that go into identifying the perfect spots for our outdoor advertisements.


What stands out to you most when choosing a location for a billboard?

Great visibility and high traffic count along a retail commercial corridor


What is the biggest challenge of choosing a location for a billboard?

Complying with zoning regulations and obtaining approvals by the authorized government body


What is your ideal location for a billboard?

Outside a long curve in the road


How do real estate laws vary from state to state?

Zoning ordinance can range from local to county to state levels


What is your favorite TM billboard location?

Waterdam Centre in Peters Township! It is a v-shaped static board.


What is the craziest billboard art you have seen?

Other than extensions on static boards, a favorite modern digital billboard art would be a 3D Digital billboard located in Tokyo, Japan.  (Ultra-high resolution curved video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqDBWIu3k7E

As far as billboard structure: A rooftop billboard formerly owned by TM which we have since sold, located in Birmingham, AL. It was one of the largest back-to-back static boards in the United States at an overall size of 26 feet X 179 feet.